
Individual Design F-97010


Design #: F-97010
Collection #: 1900197
Multi-Format: 10o, art, dst, exp, hus, jef, pec, pes, vip, vp3, xxx
Stitches: 17,965
Size: 3.76″w x 6.98″h

The size of the design may be slightly different, depending on the format.
The design may be truncated or shrunk to fit a smaller hoop.

SKU: F-97010 Category:


Threads Used:

All thread numbers are Robison Anton Rayon. Robison Anton Rayon Color Chart

1. #6053                             2. #2348                             3. #2308
4. #2310                             5. #2588

The thread numbers #6053 is Sullky Holoshimmer thread.

The thread number #2348 is Robison Anton Variegated thread.

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